March 7, 2011

I Am Released.....

As of last Thursday I am officially released from Airrosti treatment.  I am a little uneasy about it but excited at the same time.  I have been doing well, there is no doubt my leg is improved.  I ran 4 miles twice last week and it felt fine.  Didn't hurt at all.  And it didn't bother me much afterwards.  I am still icing twice a day, sometimes more.  I have this handy ice pack I use at work now that wraps around my leg and sticks with velcro.  Now that is making the most of your time. (something I have perfected over time)  I am also foam rolling at least once a day. I now foam roll calves, shins, quads and it band.  It is actually to the point it feels good now!  If I run I foam roll twice that day, just for good measure.

I guess I am uneasy b/c I still feel some twinges throughout the day.  Nothing major, in fact anything but.  But I just thought they would go away completely.  I am worried that as I get higher up in the mileage it will just start all over again.  But I won't know if I don't try, right?

So I am done wearing the pretty kineseo tape everyone so enjoyed.  To let you know what everyone has been staring at, I posted a few pics.

So now the goal is to run 5 miles/twice this week and then maybe 3-4 miles once.  I ran 5 miles tonight and it felt great.  Much better than I thought since I have been under the weather but I had to get out there and do it, it takes a lot to stop me from running.  I will put ice on it tonight and a lot more tomorrow.  I am going to swim and cycle tomorrow, giving my legs a rest and then try and run 5 miles again on Wednesday with the 3-4 mile run on Friday.

So I am now heavily considering running that Half at the end of March.  I keep going back and forth in my mind, praying about it, etc.  I don't want to push myself and injure myself further but I feel like I won't.  You just never know.  I think if I run the first 1/2 of it and then use the 5:1 technique (run 5 minutes/walk 1 minute) for the rest of the race I will be fine.  Plus there is a super long time limit so if nothing else I guess I can walk it when I need to.  Not really how I planned to run my first Half but it is better than not doing it at all.  I really, really, really want to complete a Half Marathon.

I am going to see how the next two weeks go.  The registration deadline is next Friday so I have two weeks to see if I can hold up.  If I make it through the 5 miles this week I will run 6 next week a few times to see how it holds up.  Wish me luck!

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