May 23, 2011

I Am Still Here.......

I know it has been a long time since I have posted.  I have been so busy lately.  But I wanted to post something to let you guys know how I am doing.

In April I did a lot of research on barefoot running and minimalist running.  I video taped myself running in running shoes and barefoot.  I could tell right away my form was all wrong.  I was heel-striking A LOT!  It was a little better when I was barefoot but I still needed to do a lot of work on my form.  So I started researching everything I could find on barefoot running and correct running form.

I also made a desperate plea on FB asking anyone for a reputable ortho doctor in the area.  I figured let me try that avenue, haven't been to see one of them yet.  I was recommended to a doctor in Kingwood by a few different people so I made an appt with him.  I was super prepared for this visit.  I went to the first doctor and got the MRI pics, had both pair of running shoes to show wear, etc. Well it turns out it was a complete waste of my time.  This doctor pretty much said I have already done everything he would suggest and unless I fix my form I will just keep dealing with the problem.  ok, I can understand that, let me work on my form.

I practiced the barefoot running for a couple of weeks (which is supposed to be the best way to learn correct form) before I got some serious blisters on the bottoms of my feet.  I decided after that, and after talking with other runners, that maybe fully barefoot wasn't necessary.  But it was necessary to fix my form and learn to run correctly, and get some minimalist shoes.

This led me back to Luke's Locker for my 3rd pair of shoes in less than a year.  I went on a day my trusty sales rep Brian was there and we talked a lot about what shoes to buy, etc.  I went in with the thought of getting the Saucony Kinvara's.  But I really wanted to try the Newton's b/c I have heard so much about them and they didn't have my size in the Kinvara's.  After running up and down the strip at the store I actually decided to buy the Newton's.  The shoes I bought were supposed to help you learn to run on your forefoot instead of your heel.  Exactly what I needed.

While at Luke's I asked Brian if he knew of any doctor's I could go to to finally figure out exactly what is going on with my calf/Achilles and to fix it once and for all.  My exact words were "I need someone who is not going to stop until we figure out what is going on, and I want a runner".  He mentioned two different doctor's names.  Of course the only one that took insurance was a doctor in the Woodlands.  Just my luck, but whatever, what difference does it make at this point???

My first visit with Dr Eric LeBouef was on April 21st.  I once again came prepared with everything, MRI results, shoes, etc.  I started in on my long story of how this started and ALL of the different treatment options I have tried and where I was currently at.  I told him, "you are actually my 6th doctor to see, I know that is crazy."  He didn't even flinch when I said that.  After I finished he said " I am not surprised I am your 6th doctor, I can't tell you how many people come in here saying the same thing, with the same symptoms. I know exactly what is wrong"

Well that is a little hopeful.  He did a very thorough exam and pretty much told me the body part that is effected is where the calf muscle meets the tendons and that I needed to make that part more flexible.  He did a little acupuncture on my calf and then slightly massaged it.  He then showed me some exercises to do every day, including balancing on both legs to build my ankle strength.

I have since been seeing him every week, for 6 weeks.  He now does some electro thing on me when I first get there, which sends little electric waves thru my leg, it feels very good. And then does a little massage, sometimes pretty deep.  He says the range of motion is getting much better.

I ran my first race on 5/7, a 5k.  It felt WONDERFUL to race again.  Just to be there with all of the other runners, the excitement of it all.  I LOVED IT!  Man did it fuel me to start training for the marathon.  My calf held up very well and didn't bother me at all.

Since then it has started to bother me again.  This past week has been pretty bad.  It is starting to bother me more often.  I have been running around 3 miles about 3 days a week.  And it is pretty much starting up again.  Seems like when I start running consistently it starts bothering me.  I am wearing a Strassburg sock to sleep in.  It is a sock designed to cure Plantar Fascities but the doc says it will help this as well.

So unfortunately I don't have the greatest news to report.  I am signed up to run a 5k this coming Monday, I am excited about it b/c I will be running it with friends.  I need to get this under control very soon b/c training starts in about 1 1/2 months for the marathon.