February 9, 2011

Here We Go Again.......

Well I went to the PT today.  I told him about my run on Saturday.  I haven't run since.  My calf has actually been bothering me again, without running, so I knew better than to push it.  My shin splints have also been bothering me.  When I told the doctor all of these things he had a grim look on his face.  And then he said the words I was hoping to not ever have to hear again......"you need to stop running for a while."  Um....can I just say.....it took everything I had not to start sobbing in the office.  I hate that I get so emotional over this but I just can't help it.  I did tear up and I tried to hide it so bad.  I ended up having to walk away from the conversation for a few minutes so I didn't embarass myself by flooding the office with my tears.

After I gathered myself we talked about it a little longer, and I am happy to say I kept my composure, although it was NOT easy.  He pretty much said no running for a week and then we can SLOWLY start back up.  Like 10 minute runs for a few weeks.  I am beyond frustrated at this point.  I am pissed.  I am pissed this is happening to me, I am pissed that I see other people out there running with no injuries and I am pissed that I have fallen in love with something that apparently doesn't love me back.

So unfortunately I am not going to be able to run that half at the end of March as I hoped.  There is no way I will be ready for it.  I am still doing the Indoor Tri and the Warrior Dash though.  Those don't require too much running.  I am not going to set a goal for a race just yet, running race.  I have found that I put way too much stress on myself when I feel I need to ready to run by a certain time.  I am just going to do as the PT says and hopefully one day be able to run again.

I am also doing a few extra things.  I am going to get a second opinion about my leg.  Just to make sure they don't see something the first doctor missed.  I am also going to get some Dr. Scholl's to try.  The PT thinks a lot of my issues are coming from how hard I strike the ground with my feet.  I thank my Mamaw and Mom for passing that down.  We all flap our feet when we walk and it has probably effected my run.  And as soon as I can run again I am going to get a biomechanic test done.

So at this point I am very down in the dumps and disappointed.  But I am still not giving up!  Maybe, just maybe, I will be ready to start training for the marathon in July.

Something good has happened though.  I had my first swim lesson yesterday.  And as my friend Donica said, "I didn't see the paramedics, so I assume you didn't drown."  I had no idea how I was going to do going into the lesson.  I haven't really swam in probably 20 years or so.  Man, I am old!  So I let the instructor know right off the bat, I haven't swam in a long time.  She said, "that's ok, go ahead and swim to the end of the lane, let's see what you got."  I was so nervous, would I make it to the end of the lane?  Guess what, I did!  AND...she said I had great form.  I just need to learn how to swim with my head in the water.  Well that is great news, I was super excited about that.  I guess all of those years watching my sister swim in swim team paid off.  We also did the backstroke a little, which was a nice break from trying to swim free with my head in the water.  It is not as easy as it looks.  Backstroke went well, as well.  She said I had good form, just a few things to tweak.  Overall it was a very successful lesson and I really had fun with it.  I plan to get in a few more swims before the lesson next Tuesday.

So I am going to try and focus on swimming and biking for now.  At least I can build that up.  And I am going to try my hardest to not think about running.


  1. Dang it Jaime... I hate that for you. But yes, you need to let it heal so you can run in the future. Yay for you on the swimming!!

  2. Sorry to hear this...bummer!! A week is not so bad though and at least he didn't say stay off it for a month or so. I know, I know you are pissed but it could be worse, plus swimming sounds fun! Because of your inspiration, I am back at the gym in my beloved pilates classes and could not be happier.
