I never thought I would have a blog. I am sure I have a few friends reading this right now that are about to fall out of their chair (I hope everyone was sitting down). I am a very busy woman who never has time to sit down, much less keep up a blog. So I am interested to see how this goes. But I am going to give it a try.
I am here because I have recently discovered I love to run. And I have been wanting to somehow capture all of the lessons I've learned and the feelings I've had from this new sport. I considered just journaling it on my computer when I got the chance but in the 7 months I have been running I have only done that once, so I don't think there is a chance I will keep up with that.
So I decided to try a blog for two reasons, 1.) to hold myself accountable to keeping up with it, I will write more if I think other people are reading it. And 2.) to share with other runners the highs and lows of running.
I hope I can motivate people through my journey. I have big dreams. I want to run! A lot! I plan to share my life with you as I chase this dream. From race to race. Let's see where it takes me.
And as a bonus I will have journaled my journey to remind myself later of how great it all felt.
I love blogging; I just love to write! I have been using the SparkPeople website to blog for the same reason as you - to keep myself accountable (although, in my case, for weight loss) - and it gives me the option to post the blog to facebook, so I had been doing that for a while, until I got prego. Now I am using the BabyFit website (also from SparkPeople) to track my weight gained during pregnancy. (So far I am still down 12 pounds from my original pregnancy weight, but I am about to enter the last trimester, so hopefully I won't go over my starting weight.) I haven't kept up with the exercise lately since I am so damn tired, but I really do hope to get back into running after little JB arrives and I am all healed.